Tag Archives: Forfeitures

FCC Fines Stations for Failing to Timely File License to Cover Applications

This week, the Commission imposed a $13,000 fine on Radiant Light Broadcasting (RLB), the licensee of two low-power television (LPTV) stations for failing to timely file license to cover applications, and thus operating without licenses for four years. The stations, KRLB-LD and KWWO-LD, were granted construction permits for digital displacement channels and special temporary authority … Continue Reading

FCC Fines Stations $3.4 Million for Violations of Children’s Television Programming Rules

Last week, the FCC issued a ruling finding that 21 broadcast licensees, including Nexstar Media Group and Sinclair Broadcast Group, had violated the Commission’s rules regarding commercial programming on children’s television.  The Commission assessed penalties against these licensees totaling nearly $3.4 million.  Particularly notable was the Commission’s ruling that licensees are responsible even for commercials … Continue Reading

Justice for Jersey Jetway GPS Jammer? 90% Reduction in Fine!

Despite 2012 interference to Newark airport GPS system, Gary Bojczak skates with lowball $2,360 fine – if he keeps his jammer off for three years. Readers with long memories will recall Mr. Gary P. Bojczak, who operated an illegal jammer in order (apparently) to defeat the GPS tracking device his employer had installed in his … Continue Reading

Telecom Tickler 2016 – CPNI Certifications Due By March 1

It’s that time of year again – time for our annual reminder to most (but not necessarily all) telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers that your CPNI certifications are due by March 1, 2016. As described by the Enforcement Bureau, CPNI – Customer Proprietary Network Information to the uninitiated – includes “some of the most … Continue Reading

Enforcement Bureau Gives Venue Operators 750,000 More Reasons Not to Block Personal Hotspots

Bureau reiterates view that using “deauthentication frames” to bounce hotspot users constitutes prohibited “interference”. Conference goers, rejoice! It looks like the FCC really is serious about preventing hotels and other conference venues from blocking access to the venues’ Wi-Fi networks through personal “hotspot” network devices. The Commission’s Enforcement Bureau had staked out its position on … Continue Reading