OMB thumbs up clears path for rules adopted last August to kick in
Last August we reported on a decision by the Commission requiring ALL FCC-regulated services – broadcast and non-broadcast alike – to protect AM stations from signal distortion arising from construction or modification of nearby towers. (Reminder: The term “towers” in this context is broad and includes buildings or other structures on which a new or modified antenna or antenna-supporting structures are being installed.)
Because the new rules include “information collections”, their effectiveness had been deferred pending review by the Office of Management Budget (OMB) pursuant to the hilariously-named Paperwork Reduction Act.
The wait is now over. According to a notice in the Federal Register, OMB approved the rules on February 10, and as of February 20, 2014, they have become effective.
As we outlined in our post last August, the phase-in of the rules is somewhat complex, with some potential effects stretching over a year or two. AM stations and anyone building a structure near an AM station should take a close look at the rules to determine their potential impact on any particular situation.