Portals-24GHz-1We’ve written about the great potential for putting the millimeter wave band to use through emerging technologies currently in active development. If you didn’t believe us, maybe you’ll believe the FCC, which will be presenting a “Spectrum Frontiers and Technological Developments in the Millimeter Wave Bands” workshop at its Washington, D.C. headquarters on March 10, 2016. It’s set to run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will explore mmWave service from all perspectives: technologies being used, spectrum requirements, opportunities for new and incumbent providers, benefits to consumers, etc. While the full agenda has not yet been released, you can expect to hear from manufacturers, licensees, wireless service providers, satellite service providers and others. And if you get tired of listening to the presentations, you can take a break and visit the equipment demonstrations that will be going on simultaneously with the workshop. 

The show is open to the public. While you don’t need to register in advance, the Commission suggests that might be a good idea to help speed up the FCC’s security check-in procedures. (You register by submitting your name and company affiliation to Cecilia Sulhoff (cecilia.sulhoff@fcc.gov.) If you’re planning on attending, you should probably plan on getting to the Commission at least 30 minutes ahead of time, since even with pre-registration, the check-in process can back up. 

And if you’re not inclined to venture down to the Portals, you can still catch the show online. The workshop will be webcast on the FCC’s website