We’ve written about the great potential for putting the millimeter wave band to use through emerging technologies currently in active development. If you didn’t believe us, maybe you’ll believe the FCC, which will be presenting a “Spectrum Frontiers and Technological Developments in the Millimeter Wave Bands” workshop at its Washington, D.C. headquarters on March 10, … Continue Reading
With proposed rulemaking, FCC looks to open higher reaches of spectrum for services just coming into view The FCC wants to take us higher: into higher reaches of the RF spectrum. Anticipating the eventual arrival of Fifth Generation (5G) mobile services, the FCC has proposed to open several bands above 24 GHz for 5G: 28, … Continue Reading
Just a few years ago, technical constraints made it difficult to design equipment for the upper reaches of the millimeter wave bands. Since then, a corps of clever engineers have overcome the problems and applications have proliferated.… Continue Reading
Engineers are never satisfied. Even when "4G" mobile service was still a new idea, the engineers had begun thinking ahead to what will eventually become 5G.… Continue Reading