Tom Dougherty

Photo of Tom Dougherty Thomas J. Dougherty, Jr. represents cable companies, broadband Internet access providers, EBS licensees, BRS licensees, CLECs, CAPs, mobile carriers, satellite systems, purchasers of communications and outsourced services, and broadcasters before the Federal Communications Commission, State PUCs, cable franchising authorities and the Federal courts. Mr. Dougherty's transactional work spans the gamut from business sales through asset and tax-deferred stock transactions to spectrum leasing and outsourcing.

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FCC Proposes to Reaffirm its Limitations on the Authority of Local Cable Franchise Authorities

The FCC will vote this month on whether to consider adopting a set of rulings that would limit the authority of cable local franchise authorities (LFAs) in the franchising and regulation of cable systems in response to a recent court case that threatens to expand LFA authority over cable systems and their diverse service offerings. … Continue Reading

The FCC Looks Toward the Further Commercialization of the Educational Broadband Service

On the books for the FCC’s May Open Meeting will be a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding rule changes to establish commercial eligibility for Educational Broadband Service (EBS) licenses and to “rationalize” the EBS service areas. EBS is not a well-known radio service, so to appreciate the significance of these changes, a little history … Continue Reading

White House Deliberates Centralized 5G Network Proposal

Telecommunications companies today got a rude awakening when Axios broke news that the Trump administration is considering a recommendation to centralize and build a 5G wireless network. According to multiple news outlets, members of the U.S. National Security Council (NSC) presented senior White House officials with recommendations to centralize the United States’ 5G network in … Continue Reading

Broadband Stimulus 101: Who Gets What Where, and How?

Federal broadband stimulus cash is being doled out, by two different agencies under two different programs, based both on geographical/demographic considerations and on the level of broadband service already available in the areas proposed to be served. The fun comes in trying to figure out who gets what under which program.… Continue Reading

Technology Procurement Transactions: Some Practical Tips

If you're the person in your organization responsible for buying sophisticated software-controlled products, you routinely face a host of complex considerations, many of them unique to your operation. But no matter what unique features you deal with, it is important to recognize that certain issues and concerns apply to virtually all such transactions.… Continue Reading

Stimulus Tip: Towns May Be Willin’, But Don’t Forget Dillon!

A cautionary note with respect to an obscure, but potentially important, quirk in U.S. law that could mess up some plans to access Stimulus Package funds. Dillon's Rule could effectively bar, or at least seriously complicate, efforts by private entities to successfully dip into the deep pool of stimulus funds through the device of public/private partnerships.… Continue Reading