On July 10, the FCC released an Order on adjustments to the application fees that the Commission collects from applicants. The Commission is required to adjust these fees every two years to keep pace with the changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This year’s application fees will go up by 3.7 percent in response … Continue Reading
A couple of weeks ago we reported on the FCC’s adoption of a new schedule of application fees. Since the new schedule ups fees across-the-board, anybody who was planning to file a fee-able application in the near term might want to file sooner rather than later, to take advantage of the outgoing fees before they, … Continue Reading
Normally non-controversial biennial action spiced up this year by partial dissent from Commissioner O’Rielly Thanks to Congress, the FCC has got to charge application fees and, also thanks to Congress, those fees have got to be adjusted every two years in light of changes in the Consumer Price Index. The last time the Commission tweaked … Continue Reading
The effective date of the FCC's new schedule of application fees has been announced -- but if you're marking that date in your calendar, you might want to use a pencil for the time being.… Continue Reading
Mum's still the word at the FCC, more than a year after word surfaced about its questionable collection, and retention, of certain fees.… Continue Reading
According to a notice in the Federal Register, the FCC's new schedule of application fees will take effect on June 20, 2011. But if past is prologue, you may want to check back with us to make sure.… Continue Reading
Recent anecdotal observations indicate that the "new" application filing fees are finally being automatically generated by the Commission's CDBS on-line application filing/fee payment systems.… Continue Reading
Faithful readers will recall that we titled the last installment of our "Pursestring Updates" series the "final chapter". We spoke too soon.… Continue Reading
It looks like we've come to the end of the line. The Commission has now formally announced that the revised application fee schedule first adopted last September (has it really been that long?) will take effect on April 28, 2009.… Continue Reading
February 18 has come and gone, and the new application fee schedule which was supposed to go into effect on that day has NOT gone into effect.… Continue Reading
The latest word is that the adjusted application fee schedule which the Commission adopted six months ago, and which was supposed to go into effect on December 30 -- no, wait, make that January 29 . . . no, no, that's not it . . . wasn't it February 18? - will NOT be going into effect on February 18 after all.… Continue Reading
A couple of days ago we reported that the new application fees adopted back in September had, at long last, become effective as of January 29. But it now looks like the Commission plans to bring those new fees on line as of February 18.… Continue Reading
Way back in September we alerted our readers that the Commission had "adjusted" its schedule of application fees to reflect increases in the consumer price index. On January 29, 2009, the new fee schedule took effect at long last.… Continue Reading
With just about everything else getting more expensive by the minute, why should filing applications with the FCC be any different? And sure enough, on September 22 the Commission announced that it was “making adjustments” to its application fee schedule to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index. In this case, “making adjustments” is just … Continue Reading