If you're planning to file reply comments about the FCC's proposal to drop its ban on in-flight cell phone use, you just got an extra couple of months to get the job done.… Continue Reading
If you've been thinking about letting the FCC know how you feel about permitting the guy next to you on the plane to yak on his cell phone all the way across the country, you now have a deadline to get your comments in.… Continue Reading
Even the people who don't trust the government to get anything right will make an exception: they want the regulators to silence the individual in the next seat. The problem is finding a regulator having the authority to do this.… Continue Reading
In-flight serenity is not among the FCC's responsibilities. When it comes to air travel, the FCC's job is to keep the airwaves working. Period.… Continue Reading
A lot of us hate turning off our electronic devices. We have to sit there, bored, and leaf through the SkyMall catalogue, hoping the pilot knows what he's doing.… Continue Reading
Somewhat like the Queen of Hearts' "Sentence first, verdict afterwards," the FAA has already prepared its draft report, and now seeks public comment on it.… Continue Reading
As aircraft became increasingly computerized and electronic displays proliferated in the cockpit, the possible targets of on-board interference have increased. Passengers' equipment has likewise become computerized and proliferated. And passenger complaints have mounted.… Continue Reading
It looks like new bird-friendly (but not necessarily user-friendly) procedures for proposed tower construction could be with us by summer.… Continue Reading
Despite the shut-down of the FAA, requests for Determinations of No Hazard are apparently still being processed in DC. That's the good news.… Continue Reading
If you're looking to build a new tower, or maybe make changes to an existing tower, get set for delay if you need to register the structure through the FCC's ASR program. Recently proposed rules and interim procedures will likely extend the application process considerably.… Continue Reading
With an auction of new FM construction permits in the pipeline, potential participants should be careful to do their homework before they bid. What's the worst case scenario? Consider the guy who bid -- and paid - $4.4 million for a permit that couldn't be built.… Continue Reading
The FCC is conducting an "environmental assessment" relative to the effects of its Antenna Structure Registration Program on migratory birds. It invites your comments.… Continue Reading
Four years ago the FAA proposed to dramatically expand its influence over radio spectrum users. But now the FAA has retreated from that proposal.… Continue Reading
Comment and reply comment deadlines have been set in the Part 17 rulemaking proceeding looking to overhaul the FCC's regulation of antenna structures.… Continue Reading
A long-running feud may be nearing an end. Conservation groups and communications industry groups have proposed interim guidelines for the FCC's antenna structure registration program, guidelines intended to help our fine feathered friends.… Continue Reading