Completing a process which began one year and one week earlier, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published a final rule in the Federal Register on October 21, 2016 which will change the fees for forty-two different trademark filings. The upshot is that anyone in the very small universe of people who still … Continue Reading
February 18 has come and gone, and the new application fee schedule which was supposed to go into effect on that day has NOT gone into effect.… Continue Reading
The latest word is that the adjusted application fee schedule which the Commission adopted six months ago, and which was supposed to go into effect on December 30 -- no, wait, make that January 29 . . . no, no, that's not it . . . wasn't it February 18? - will NOT be going into effect on February 18 after all.… Continue Reading
The FCC has its hand in more broadcasters' pockets again. Effective November 10, 2009, responsibility for annual fees of 5% of revenues from ancillary or supplemental services (e.g., data transmission) extends to DTV permittees as well as DTV licensees. The fees are due on December 1.… Continue Reading
ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! We have discovered two fake FCC websites set up to intercept your financial information when you pay FCC fees. These appear to be "phishing" sites designed to resemble the FCC’s official site, in order to dupe the unwary into uploading confidential information which can then be utilized by the sites’ creators. DO … Continue Reading