The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) issued a Public Notice on April 11, 2019 (DA 19-278) in the proceeding relating to the use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz band (referred to as the “C-band”). In its July 13, 2018 Order, the Commission announced that it would issue an information collection requirement for … Continue Reading
We previously have reported on Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) authorization of use of earth stations installed on aircraft to communicate with Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) spacecraft in geostationary orbits. These Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft are part of a broader category of Earth Stations in Motion (“ESIMs”). FCC regulations regarding licensing and operational requirements of … Continue Reading
Effective as of April 19, the Commission last week issued a Public Notice announcing a temporary freeze on the filing of new or modification applications for fixed-satellite (FSS) earth station licenses, receive-only earth station registrations, and fixed microwave licenses in the 3.7-4.2 GHz frequency band, known as the C-Band. Currently, the Commission has an ongoing … Continue Reading
Being in “the middle” has historically gotten a bad rap. There’s the underappreciated “middle child,” and of course no one wants to be the unneeded “middle man.” This concept has even proven true with the Commission’s wireless spectrum policies. While the FCC has made it a priority to promote industry access to wireless spectrum, these … Continue Reading
The FCC has given in-flight Internet an upgrade, a benefit for all of us who like to lean back at 35,000 feet and watch silly cat videos.… Continue Reading
Thanks to a notice in the Federal Register, we can tell you that comments on the requested rule tweaks are due on June 24 and reply comments on July 1.… Continue Reading
The Commission has announced changes to the comment deadlines relative to its proposal to accord its new Earth Station Aboard Aircraft (ESAA) service co-primary allocation status for its 14.0-14.5 GHz uplink operations.… Continue Reading
Wiring up an airplane for Wi-Fi is relatively easy. The hard part is getting a wholesale Internet connection to and from the aircraft, adequate to serve dozens of on-board users simultaneously.… Continue Reading
Comments reflected in the ORBIT Act report have squarely placed the issue of competitiveness within the Fixed Satellite Services industry before Congress and the Commission… Continue Reading