Tag Archives: Form 397

FCC Eliminates EEO Mid-Term Report for Broadcasters

On February 14, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC,” or the “Commission”) released a Report and Order in which it eliminated the requirement that certain broadcast television and radio stations file a Broadcast Mid-Term Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Report (Form 397).  As we reported back in January, the FCC found that the Form 397 reporting … Continue Reading

FCC Proposes Elimination of EEO Mid-Term Report for Broadcasters

On January 3, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) released a proposed Report and Order which would eliminate the requirement that certain broadcast television and radio stations file a Broadcast Mid-Term EEO Report (Form 397). The Commission released the proposed Report and Order for adoption at its public meeting scheduled for January … Continue Reading

Comments on FCC Proposed EEO Form 397 Elimination due by April 30; Reply Comments Due May 15

In March 2018, the FCC proposed eliminating the Equal Employment Opportunity Mid-Term Report (also known as Form 397) and now those wishing to voice their opinions can do so until April 30. As we’ve discussed before, this is part of the FCC’s ongoing Modernization of Media Regulation Initiative (spearheaded by Chairman Pai). Currently, Form 397 … Continue Reading

Parsing Form 397

Here's an opportunity for the FCC to clean up at least one aspect of its EEO "Broadcast Mid-Term Report" (FCC Form 397) that seems oddly and unnecessarily confusing, if not flat-out inconsistent.… Continue Reading

Don’t Look Now, But You’re Being Watched . . .

By now all radio and TV licensees with "station employment units" (SEUs) having five or more full-time employees should be in the habit of preparing the annual EEO report that must be placed in the station’s local public inspection file each year on the anniversary of the due date for their renewal application. Those annual reports … Continue Reading