Changes to the equipment authorization rules the FCC adopted last July appeared in the Federal Register this morning and take effect today. Major changes include the option of putting required labeling on a device’s display screen, and combination of the former verification and Declaration of Conformity procedures into a new procedure called Supplier’s Declaration of … Continue Reading
Some FCC regulations are carved in stone, changing about as often as the rules of chess. But not the equipment authorization rules, which lay out the procedures manufacturers and importers must follow to market devices having potential to cause interference to radio communications. The FCC likes to revise and update these every few years. This … Continue Reading
FCC extends waiver of Form 740 import declarations As we’ve reported here and here, the Commission is proposing to modify some of its import declaration rules (i.e. Sections 2.1203 and 2.1205). These require, in part, that importers of RF equipment into the United States make certain certifications either electronically or on paper. The proposed rule … Continue Reading
Short form: for now, keep filing form 740 as you always have. If you import electronic equipment to the U.S., listen up. We told you back in October that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is phasing out the computer system on which you electronically file form 740 – the form that shows compliance … Continue Reading
Import declaration rules waived for second half of 2016 Regular visitors to CommLawBlog know that the FCC maintains technical rules for radio transmitters and certain other equipment. These rules typically specify power, bandwidth, frequency stability, out-of-band emissions – that sort of thing. They’re intended to minimize the likelihood that a device will cause unwanted interference … Continue Reading