After many years of preparation, the roll-out of .RADIO domain names will finally be underway shortly. The news has potential for broadcasters worldwide (for example, you could have as your URL.) Yet there are many unanswered questions about how .RADIO domain names will be allocated and what happens when multiple parties want the same … Continue Reading
Reminder: You should think hard about whether you need to pay summer interns instead of claiming that their "compensation" consists solely of school credit.… Continue Reading
The Location and Monitoring Service is back in the news.This could be of considerable interest to you if you're a skier who prefers avalanche-prone slopes.… Continue Reading
Google has filed its report on the trial of its modified white space database administration system. Now you've got a chance to comment on it.… Continue Reading
When it comes to telemarketing (and especially robocalling), the FCC is loaded for bear and on the hunt - with a $2.9 million trophy already in the bag.… Continue Reading
Yes, the rules say Part 15 users must accept interference and operate at their own risk; and yes, Progeny has a legal right to deploy, if it satisfies the field test requirement. Still, Part 15 equipment has become so important to so many industries, and to the economy generally, that it may have earned a higher status in the spectrum.… Continue Reading
A recent decision from the full Commission teaches us a couple of valuable lessons when it comes to potential liabilities both for tower owners and for those who may not think that they're tower owners.… Continue Reading
It's too bad traffic violations don't work the same way. I could breeze through a red light with a friendly wave for the officer, and all he could do, at least the first time, is politely tell me that running red lights is against the law.… Continue Reading
The FCC has taken a quick break from its usual tasks of unleashing broadband and unlocking spectrum to attend to a lingering bit of unfinished business: acting on petitions, filed more than five years ago, seeking reconsideration of the critical service rules governing 700 MHz operations.… Continue Reading
Of the ten FCC-approved coordinators eligible to provide access to the white space database, Spectrum Bridge, Inc. and Telcordia Technologies, Inc. have successfully completed their tests and are authorized to support white space devices nationwide, while Google and now Key Bridge Global are in the test preparation phase.… Continue Reading
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has ordered the Commission to approve the reallocation of two VHF TV stations from Wyoming and Nevada to Delaware and New Jersey.… Continue Reading
Thinking about filing comments with respect to Progeny's operation in the 902-908 MHz band (and particularly whether that operation might interfere with unlicensed operations)? You're in luck - the FCC has just extended the comment deadlines.… Continue Reading