The seismic wave from Comcast and its aftershocks could reach well beyond the obvious targets. Local TV broadcasters, in particular, might want to pay attention to how Comcast might play out in their corner of the regulatory universe.… Continue Reading
In an impressive display of regulatory shock and awe, the FCC has put a substantial dent in its NBP to-do list by launching six separate proceedings.… Continue Reading
The FCC has released its tentative schedule for implementing the National Broadband Plan -- at least those elements of the NBP that (a) fall under its jurisdiction and (b) have been slated for some kind of action in 2010.… Continue Reading
The elaborate broadband infrastructure the FCC envisions in its National Broadband Plan could also be harnessed with innovative technology to enhance energy efficiency and safe transportation. Hence, the "Smart Grid".… Continue Reading
The National Broadband Plan recognizes that improved broadband will require significant changes to certain critical "behind the scenes" elements of the broadband "ecosystem". While short on details, the NBP suggests a return to regulatory schemes that are troublesome and cumbersome and that haven't worked in the past.… Continue Reading
CommLawBlog announces a series of posts addressing various thematic elements of the National Broadband Plan with a view toward assessing where there may be risks and opportunities for the constituencies involved.… Continue Reading
Achieving the nationwide availability and use of electronically gathered, exchanged, and archived medical information envisioned in the National Broadband Plan will require a vast, coordinated effort on the part of many different players.… Continue Reading
Concerns about on-line privacy could be a significant barrier to adoption and utilization of on-line systems. The National Broadband Plan includes recommendations on how to create an on-line environment which will provide more consumer protections . . . but those recommendations place a hefty emphasis on the need to encourage commercial entities to provide customized services.… Continue Reading
One of the problems which has long vexed the FCC is how to adapt the Universal Service Fund and Inter-Carrier Compensation regime to the world of the internet. The advent of broadband provides an opportunity to break the logjam in the context of a migration to all-digital, all-IP networks.… Continue Reading