On June 7, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) released a Report and Order (“R&O”) revising the Commission’s rules under which independent programmers may lease cable TV channels to retransmit their programming (“Leased Access Rules”). Leased Access has rarely been used, due to concerns by both cable operators and programmers, and the … Continue Reading
The FCC has always been kind to people who tinker with radio equipment, whether teenagers blowing out their parents’ fuses (that was us) or manufacturers’ research labs (maybe you). Licenses in the Experimental Radio Service allow work with radio transmitters that don’t otherwise meet FCC standards. The problem with these experimental licenses was that most … Continue Reading
PRA notice suggests low-ball estimate, but what about, um, the 10 hours of outside attorney time the FCC told OMB about six months ago? Back in January the Commission announced its most recent overhaul of the biennial Ownership Reports that commercial and noncommercial broadcasters are required to file using, respectively, Forms 323 and 323-E. As … Continue Reading
As part of the Paperwork Reduction Act process necessary to secure another three-year OK from OMB, the FCC has solicited comments on its local public inspection file rules again.… Continue Reading
"Effective dates" can be hard to pin down, thanks to contradictions, omissions and an overall lack of clarity by the FCC - take Form 477 as an example.… Continue Reading
The inquiry into whether there really is any need for the public inspection file has now been bucked over to OMB. And the FCC is digging its regulatory heels in.… Continue Reading
News on the net neutrality front! The Commission has shipped two "information collection" aspects of its"open Internet" rules over to the Office of Management and Budget for its review.… Continue Reading
All you STELA watchers who have been waiting on tenterhooks for more than six months can now breathe easy: the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved Section 73.686(e).… Continue Reading
Heads up! The deadline for letting the FCC know your thoughts and experiences relative to the local public inspection file rule is fast approaching.… Continue Reading
The last piece of the STELA constellation of rule changes is out for Paperwork Reduction Act comments before heading to OMB. This one involves the procedures for measuring the field strength of digital television signals.… Continue Reading
Net Neutrality has taken a tangible step forward now that the FCC is getting ready to ship two "information collection" aspects of the rules over to OMB for its review. But don't hold your breath - it'll take at least a couple of months to get there.… Continue Reading
OMB has preliminarily approved, with conditions and limitations, the Consumer Survey with which the FCC is looking to generate data for its 2010 Quadrennial Review of ownership rules and policies.… Continue Reading
The proposed Consumer Survey we wrote about last Friday is now available online at the OMB website, along with some interesting "supporting documents". Check it all out, but act fast -- two of the 17 days the FCC has given us to review and comment on the survey have already passed.… Continue Reading
Paging Richard Dawson! The FCC may be needing you to come out of retirement soon to deliver the classic Family Feud catchphrase, "Our survey said". Why? Because the Commission is looking to unleash its own "Consumer Survey".… Continue Reading