Tag Archives: Public Inspection File
Online Public File to Bring New Scrutiny to Issues/Programs Lists
The FCC Is Watching You . . . or At Least Your Website
Don’t Look Now, But You’re STILL Being Watched (Update II)
Update: The FCC Is Not Watching You Anymore (or so they have told us)
A Midsummer Surprise From The FCC: A Revised Version Of The Public and Broadcasting!!!
New Version of Mandatory Public File Document Released
An updated version of "The Public and Broadcasting," a Commission publication which all broadcasters must place in their public inspection files, was released on April 24. All broadcasters must replace the former version of the document with the revised version immediately and also must be prepared to provide copies to any member of the public who requests one.
The Commission also announced that it will provide two "Broadcast Information Specialists," one in the Media Bureau's Audio Division and the other in its Video Division, to serve as contact points for the public to ...… Continue Reading
Form 355 and Website Public File Posting: Soon in the Crosshairs at OMB
Last November, the FCC announced that it had adopted a new "enhanced" programming report for TV licensees, and also that it would require TV licensees to post pretty much all of the local public files on their respective websites. From March 13 until May 12, we all have an opportunity to send comments on the resulting paperwork to the FCC, which will then pass the comments on to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to let them how we feel about these new burdens.
OMB gets involved because the new ...… Continue Reading
Public File Online, Main Studio Off-Line?
By Jeffrey Gee
In addition to the new program reporting requirements the FCC is imposing on TV licensees, the FCC is introducing a new requirement that TV licensees post their public files on their websites (if they have websites). This raises an intriguing question: if a station's public file is readily accessible online, should the station be required to maintain a "main studio"?
By Harry Cole
Back to the future is where the Commission appears to be taking the television industry. The FCC has announced a major overhaul of the quarterly issues/programs list requirement for TV licensees. Instead of the quarterly report which stations have been required to compile (and place in their public inspection files) for a couple of decades, the Commission will now require the completion - and submission to the FCC - of a quarterly, FCC-designed form listing "various types of programming", including: local civic programming, local electoral ...
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