Making things official, the FCC has announced that the Office of Management and Budget formally approved FCC Form 177 on November 19. And with the publication of that announcement in the Federal Register, the form is now “effective”. Form 177, of course, is the form that TV owners planning on participating in the reverse auction … Continue Reading
The FCC is trying to make good on its promise to let auction participants know what’s in store for them on the auction application front (and the reimbursement front, too – but that’s for a later post). Now it’s up to broadcasters to take advantage of what the FCC has given them. As the Broadcast … Continue Reading
Further evidence that the Broadcasting Incentive Auction is ramping up, and fast: the Commission has announced that it will be conducting a three-hour workshop devoted to the reverse auction process on November 17, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Representatives of the Incentive Auction Task Force, the Wireless Bureau and the Media Bureau will … Continue Reading