On July 17, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) released its latest Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Order”) attempting to stop unwanted and illegal robocalls. The Order creates a “safe harbor” (i.e., legal protection from liability) to protect carriers that block calls based on reasonable analytics or other permissible criteria. … Continue Reading
On December 12, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) adopted an order that creates a reassigned number database to help callers avoid Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) violations that can occur when telephone numbers get reassigned to new users. We covered some of the details in a previous CommLawBlog post when the FCC pre-released … Continue Reading
When FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly published a blog post back in January that called for the reexamination of the Children’s Programming Requirements, we questioned whether the requirements would still exist in the near future. We can now report that we are not likely to see the complete demise of the FCC’s Children Programming Requirements (colloquially … Continue Reading
(Registered agent contact information must be ELECTRONICALLY filed with the Copyright Office by December 31, 2017) How much is peace of mind worth to you? Does $6.00 and less than an hour of your time sound about right? What if I told you that this alone would significantly reduce the likelihood that you will be … Continue Reading
Theoretically, anybody currently facing a December 13, 2014 deadline for CALM Act compliance may be able to get a further extension. But we wouldn't count on it.… Continue Reading
The CALM Act standards are in the process of evolving, and TV licensees and MVPD providers (along with the Commission) will be having to play catch-up ball.… Continue Reading
If you're one of the 170 or so TV stations who got a one-year waiver of the CALM Act requirements last year, the clock is ticking down.… Continue Reading
The FCC's action has brought about the result the FCC most wanted to avoid: spectrum that neither FiberTower nor anyone else can put into service… Continue Reading
If you're a "small" TV station or MVPD operator who missed the October deadline for filing for waiver of your obligations under the CALM Act, but you're still not going to be in compliance with the Act when it takes effect on December 13, don't panic.… Continue Reading
Unless you're confident that you will be in compliance with the CALM Act requirements by December 13, you should NOT neglect the October 15 deadline for waiver requests.… Continue Reading
Getting ready to comment on the FCC's CALM Act rulemaking proposals? Be sure to check out the just-announced successor to ATSC's A/85 Recommended Practice.… Continue Reading
The FCC has just extended the reply comment deadline in its CALM Act proceeding -- because, as it turns out, there's a new version of the proposed core technical standard in the works.… Continue Reading
Barely a week after the release of the CALM Act Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, it's been published in the Federal Register -- so we now have comment/reply comment deadlines to pass along.… Continue Reading
The CALM Act, intended to tone down "loud commercials", directed the FCC to adopt new rules for that purpose by December, 2011. The Commission has now taken the first formal step to that end with the issuance of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.… Continue Reading