Remember our April 4, 2019 “CALLING ALL OLDIES STATIONS!” post that alerted you to a simple form you could file to receive certain protections from potentially crippling infringement awards for unauthorized uses of sound recordings fixed before February 15, 1972 (aka “pre-72 recordings”)? That post created quite a stir. In fact, we were flooded with … Continue Reading
This is the promised follow up to our December 14, 2018 post regarding the compliance obligations for 2019 under the statutory licenses found in Sections 112 and 114 of the Copyright Act (the “statutory licenses”) allowing webcasters to make public performances sound recordings via digital audio transmission and to make related temporary copies of those … Continue Reading
We usually publish our “Webcaster Wake Up Call!” post each January. This post reminds webcasting services of their compliance obligations for the upcoming year under the statutory licenses found in Sections 112 and 114 of the Copyright Act (the “statutory licenses”) allowing them to publicly perform sound recordings via digital audio transmission. Part of the … Continue Reading
Three weeks into 2018, we’ll confess to still writing “2017” on the occasional check. Admit it: you probably have too (we can’t be the ONLY ones still writing checks every now and again). Webcasters complying with the statutory licenses found in Sections 112 and 114 of the Copyright Act – which permit them to webcast … Continue Reading
SoundExchange reports, payments due soon On February 2nd the groundhog best known as “Punxsutawney Phil” will be plucked from the comfort of his underground lair and ceremoniously asked to “predict” the end of winter. Of course, this tradition was memorably portrayed in the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” in which Bill Murray’s Phil Connors relives a … Continue Reading
On October 26, 2016, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) announced agreements it had reached with two major record labels that relieve radio broadcasters from certain compliance conditions associated with the sound recording streaming statutory license that are inconsistent with traditional broadcasting practices. They do not, however, alter radio broadcasters’ royalty payment obligations under the … Continue Reading
Same as it ever was: as they start in on the next five-year period with new rates and terms announced in Webcasting IV, webcasters must again attend to annual SoundExchange homework. It’s been a month since I wrote about Webcasting IV, the decision of the Copyright Royalty Board that set webcasting rates and terms for … Continue Reading
In a report on "Copyright and the Music Marketplace", the Copyright Office has set out a wide range of observations and recommendations that could resonate for years in Congress and elsewhere.… Continue Reading
Will geofencing really provide webcasting broadcasters a shield that they can deploy against royalty claims? The question is still on the table.… Continue Reading
Kevin Goldberg pursues his mission: laying out the annual SoundExchange filing requirements so that everybody that has to comply with them can know what to do.… Continue Reading
Heads up, all you webcasters. It's a new year, and you have filing requirements coming up fast, including an important JANUARY 31 deadline.… Continue Reading
Kevin Goldberg pursues his mission: laying out the annual SoundExchange filing requirements so that everybody that has to comply with them can know what to do.… Continue Reading
The White House Coordinator on U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement has issued a white paper urging that:(1) illegal streaming should be made a felony; and (2) a performance rights measure should be enacted.… Continue Reading
Kevin Goldberg's recent webinar presentation on such useful issues as protecting one's business and the nitty-gritty of sound recording licensing is now available on-line.… Continue Reading
The beginning of another year brings renewed obligations for all broadcasters who are operating a non-interactive webcast. If you're a NONCOMMERCIAL webcaster (as distinct from a noncommercial educational webcaster), check out your to-do list here.… Continue Reading
The beginning of another year brings renewed obligations for all broadcasters who are operating a non-interactive webcast. If you're a NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL webcaster, check out your to-do list here.… Continue Reading
The beginning of another year brings renewed obligations for all broadcasters who are operating a non-interactive webcast. If you're a COMMERCIAL webcaster, check out your to-do list here.… Continue Reading
On January 27, FHH's Kevin Goldberg will appear as a special guest in a free webinar on webcasting presented by SoundExchange. Check out this post for more information.… Continue Reading
The Copyright Royalty Board has announced that noncommercial webcasters must pay a $500 per channel annual minimum fee to perform copyrighted sound recordings during the 2006-2010 rate term. Big deal? Not really. But . . .… Continue Reading
As expected, the Copyright Royalty Board has reinstated the $500 per channel annual minimum fee for both commercial and noncommercial webcasters.… Continue Reading