Back in March 2018, Congress passed the Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA), which allocated additional funds to be used to reimburse broadcasters involuntarily affected by the post-incentive auction repacking of television stations. In addition to providing additional money for full-power and Class A stations, the REA for the first time expanded the universe of stations eligible … Continue Reading
On April 18, Commission’s Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau announced that it was extending the special filing window for displaced Low Power Television and TV Translator Stations for a few extra weeks. The window for filing such applications will now close on June 1 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. The original due date was … Continue Reading
In case you forgot, this a reminder to Low Power Television and TV Translator broadcasters of the FCC’s Special Displacement Window for LPTV Stations. The FCC issued a 60-day advanced notice of the filing window which opens up on Tuesday, April 10 and lasts through Tuesday, May 15 at 11:59 p.m. EST. This special window … Continue Reading
At its October meeting, the FCC proposed to clear away further regulatory underbrush by eliminating, or drastically modifying, two rules. The first is the requirement that all TV stations engaged in digital broadcasting file annual reports concerning Ancillary/Supplementary services that might have been offered. Second is the requirement that licensees filing certain applications publish and/or … Continue Reading
To spur participation in its incentive auction, the FCC early on adopted rules allowing full-power and Class A television licensees to share a single TV channel. That gave them an option to sell their spectrum to the Commission while also staying on the air. In 2015, the Commission expanded channel-sharing to low-power Television licensees and … Continue Reading
The FCC has announced that effective immediately, it will no longer accept applications for construction permits for new digital companion channels filed by analog Low Power Television stations. While this article refers to only LPTV stations, TV translators are subject to all the same rules and to the new freeze. This freeze removes the only … Continue Reading
When full-power stations changed channels as part of the 2009 digital transition, and low-powers adjusted their receivers accordingly, many forgot to tell the FCC. That could give them problems in the near future.… Continue Reading
The expansion of the ancillary/supplementary services reporting requirement to include LPTV/TV Translator/Class A TV digital operations has become effective . . . and none too soon, since the deadline for filing that report is December 1.… Continue Reading
All you DTV broadcasters! Before you start to carve the turkey and settle in for a long Thanksgiving weekend of football later this week, don't forget to make a note in your calendar that Form 317 is due at the FCC by December 1.… Continue Reading
Revised versions of Forms 303-S and 317 have made it to the Office of Management and Budget, where interested parties have 30 days to chip in their two cents' worth on the revisions.… Continue Reading
Form 317's are due by December 1 - but from whom? Sure, full-powered DTV operators have to file Form 317, but how about digital Class A, LPTV or TV translator folks? The answer may surprise you.… Continue Reading
Effective immediately, the FCC has terminated acceptance of any applications for new low power TV or TV translator stations or major changes in existing stations in all areas, rural and non-rural alike.… Continue Reading