Tag Archives: U-NII

DSRC vs. Wi-Fi – Let the Games Begin!

This summer, many competition-hungry spectators will flock to Rio for the Olympics. But others may prefer to stay home and watch a different competition unfold: the Spectrum Olympics, pitting Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) against Wi-Fi. The prize? Determining how best to share the 5.850-5.925 GHz band (also referred to as the “U-NII-4 band”). Two … Continue Reading

FCC Proposes to Simplify and Expand Unlicensed 5 GHz Use

The problem, of course, is that both of the proposed new bands are occupied: military and other government radars, weather radars, NASA systems, unmanned aircraft, satellite observations, border surveillance, automatic vehicle communications, and a secondary amateur band. It will be a challenge to protect all of these while leaving enough technical elbow room for the new bands to be useful.… Continue Reading