Tag Archives: U.S. Bank

FCC to fee payers: “Show me” the money

By Harry Cole

s of Valentine's Day, St. Louis is the go-to place for all FCC fee filings (other than 700 MHz auction payments).  In a public notice released on February 12, 2008, the Commission announced that the shift from the Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh to the U.S. Bank in St. Louis will become effective as of February 14.  You can find a copy of the public notice here.

The address of the new lockbox bank:

U.S. Bank
1005 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101

But BE CAREFUL: when fees, payments or applications are submitted to the lockbox bank, the correct Government ...… Continue Reading

FCC Fee Filings to Go to St. Louis

By Davina Sashkin

On Friday, January 25, 2008, the FCC announced it is changing its "lockbox" bank location  for all fees required to be submitted to the Commission that are not submitted online by credit card payment. Effective immediately upon publication of the Order in the Federal Register (which could happen imminently), all application fees, filing fees, regulatory fees, and tariffs (and any accompanying paper applications, forms or filings) previously directed to the Commission's lockbox bank in Pittsburgh, PA, must be delivered instead to the new lockbox bank in St. Louis, MO. Perhaps in recognition that immediate compliance with ...… Continue Reading