The FCC’s rules for Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) have become final, after many years in the works. No, it’s not your grandfather’s “Ten-four, good buddy” citizens band, but a high-end, super-Wi-Fi-type service that someday will serve your portable devices with fast digital signals. But don’t run down to Best Buy quite yet. The engineers are … Continue Reading
Bureau reiterates view that using “deauthentication frames” to bounce hotspot users constitutes prohibited “interference”. Conference goers, rejoice! It looks like the FCC really is serious about preventing hotels and other conference venues from blocking access to the venues’ Wi-Fi networks through personal “hotspot” network devices. The Commission’s Enforcement Bureau had staked out its position on … Continue Reading
Some familiar faces from Capitol Hill are taking an alternative approach to trying to get the FCC to open up spectrum for wireless broadband.… Continue Reading
While the FCC is usually in the driver's seat when it comes to spectrum management in the U.S., that doesn't mean that Congress can't, and won't, occasionally engage in some aggressive backseat driving.… Continue Reading
The FCC has issued another of its ever-popular "Enforcement Advisories" warning against the use of jammers to interfere with cellphone, Wi-Fi or GPS devices.… Continue Reading
A number of large-venue operators have asked the FCC to clarify exactly what they may do to protect the security and quality of their own Wi-Fi networks.… Continue Reading
The Enforcement Bureau has struck a blow for those who prefer to use smartphones to set up their own personal mobile hotspots when they're on the go.… Continue Reading
If you've been meaning to file a reply in the 5.8 GHz U-NII proceeding but just haven't gotten around to it yet, you're in luck. The FCC has extended the deadline eight days.… Continue Reading
If you're planning a response to any of the reconsideration petitions in the unlicensed 5.8 GHz proceeding, you may have to rethink your vacation plans.… Continue Reading