Genachowski announces plans to expand, codify Network Neutrality Principles
In a speech this morning, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced his intention to initiate a proceeding looking to the adoption of new rules designed to preserve and enhance the “openness” of the Internet, in accordance with the principles of “network neutrality.” (You can read the speech here or watch it being delivered here.) While the Chairman’s support for a so-called “Fifth Principle”, prohibiting discrimination by Internet service providers, was widely anticipated, he also made the surprising announcement of a “Sixth Principle” requiring broadband Internet service providers to be transparent about their network management practices. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, to be issued in the near future, will certainly precipitate a hotly contested battle over the nature of “discrimination” and “reasonable network management.”
Fifth and Sixth Principles? What are the first Four? Back in a different Internet era (2005), the FCC took a tentative first step in addressing the issues of Network Neutrality with its Internet Policy Statement (“IPS”). That laid out four “principles” designed to “preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of the public Internet”. Specifically, the FCC stated that consumers are entitled to:
- access the lawful Internet content of their choice;
- run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement;
- connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network; and
- competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers.
Two elements of the IPS helped bring us to today’s announcement.
First, the IPS acknowledged the need for Internet service providers to engage in “reasonable network management” on their networks to minimize congestion and to limit illegal activities on the Net. Second, the FCC chose to give itself maximum flexibility by announcing only “policies”, rather than rules, in light of the rapidly developing nature of the Internet and the market for Internet services. This choice would come back to haunt the FCC in its first major network neutrality enforcement action. In a 2008 Order, the FCC held that Comcast’s practice of blocking consumers’ use of peer-to-peer applications violated the principles of the IPS. The Commission required Comcast to alter its network management techniques, and make its new techniques known to subscribers. While Comcast claimed to have already complied with those requirements, it nonetheless appealed the FCC’s Order to the D.C. Circuit, arguing that the Commission lacks the authority to regulate Internet traffic generally, and specifically with use of “policies” rather than “rules.” Comcast’s appeal is still pending – the FCC’s brief to the Court was filed today – and no decision is likely until the first part of 2010, at the earliest. (For some history on the Comcast dust-up, read our previous post here.)
One motive for the Chairman’s launch of a new proceeding may be to beef up the FCC’s enforcement abilities by enacting actual rules, in case the Comcast Court holds that “policies” alone just don’t cut it. And the proposed “Sixth Principle” seems designed to prevent Internet service providers from engaging in discrimination disguised as traffic management, as Comcast may have done. Still, there will be serious debate as to the level of “transparency” that best balances consumer interests with legitimate operator requirements for network security and prevention of harmful or illegal use of the Internet.
The debate will be even more heated over the proposed rule embodying the “Fifth Principle” of non-discrimination. As summarized by the Chairman today, “broadband providers cannot discriminate against particular Internet content or applications.This means they cannot block or degrade lawful traffic over their networks, or pick winners by favoring some content or applications over others in the connection to subscribers’ homes. Nor can they disfavor an Internet service just because it competes with a similar service offered by that broadband provider.” But even the Chairman acknowledged that the inquiry will reveal difficult policy issues. For example, what if a consumer wants to use an application that maximizes the through-put and thus the quality of streaming music or video, but that application reduces the quality of the consumer’s other Internet applications while in use? Should this be prohibited “discrimination,” even if it is openly chosen by the consumer? One could easily answer “no.”
Similarly difficult questions will be triggered regarding the FCC’s legal authority to regulate an “information service” such as broadband Internet. There will be complex technical issues involved in defining “reasonable network management.” And, in light of the core role of the Internet in personal and political speech, First Amendment issues could get a rigorous work-out. But, as Bruce Springsteen has sung, “sooner or later it all comes down to money,” and that’s what the real battle will be fought over.
Some will argue that heavy regulation of Internet operations threatens the current business models under which large ISPs invest the funding necessary to expand and maintain a high-speed network. Large Internet application and content providers, as well, have their own marketing and financial interests in how traffic is transmitted. Many of these parties will argue that innovation in the network requires the government to keep its hands off. But the Chairman has already anticipated these arguments. He argued in his speech that truly transformative innovation has historically come from small entrepreneurs operating on the “edges” of the Internet. Non-discrimination is required, according to the Chairman and his supporters, in order to make possible the next Facebook, eBay or YouTube.
Things have already begun to move quickly after the Chairman’s speech: the Republican Commissioners, McDowell and Baker, have already fired back their critique of the Chairman’s approach. (You can read it here.) They express concerns that “factual and legal conclusions may have already been drawn” prior to the release of the NPRM. They also stress their views that rules should not be based merely on “anecdotes” of problems, and that innovation and investment need to be protected in the core of the network, as well as at the edges. It appears that the battle is on!
The Commission is to be commended for opening up the debate, and making it accessible through new media. Check out the FCC’s new web site at, which contains a video blog from the Chairman and space debating the issues. But even the best technology will not, by itself, yield easy answers to complex questions.