It's ad in, with the Tennis Channel serving against Comcast at the FCC. But there's still plenty of in-court (or maybe out-of-court) action on tap before the final call will be made.… Continue Reading
Deadlines for comments and replies have been established in the FCC's inquiry concerning two "under-developed" issues inherent in the Net Neutrality/Open Network proceeding.… Continue Reading
With too little basis for regulation having failed in court, and the FCC having earlier rejected too much, the FCC is now trying for the "just right" approach to network neutrality.… Continue Reading
Given the strongly held positions both in favor of and opposed to the FCC's regulation of Internet traffic management, the coming Notice of Inquiry will trigger pitched battles over the existence or non-existence of a statutory basis for net neutrality regulations.… Continue Reading
The Commission has telegraphed how it plans to address broadband Internet regulation in light of Comcast -- but it didn't do so by an official order. Instead, it used a flurry of battling press releases.… Continue Reading
Having unwisely dropped the option of opening broadband facilities to competition, the Chairman may find himself in the awkward position of using a screwdriver to pound in a nail.… Continue Reading
The seismic wave from Comcast and its aftershocks could reach well beyond the obvious targets. Local TV broadcasters, in particular, might want to pay attention to how Comcast might play out in their corner of the regulatory universe.… Continue Reading
Net neutrality enforcement authority will be assigned eventually. Like a handful of chips thrown into the air on a casino floor, no part of government's power will be left un-gathered and unused. The only question left is who will pick them up.… Continue Reading
In an impressive display of regulatory shock and awe, the FCC has put a substantial dent in its NBP to-do list by launching six separate proceedings.… Continue Reading
The implications of the D.C. Circuit's recent Comcast decision affect more than the FCC's net neutrality aspirations. The fall-out from that decision could, for example, gut the Commission's regulation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service.… Continue Reading
Network neutrality seems to be dead, waiting only for someone to close its eyes and straighten its tie. Maybe we can't bring it back to life. But we can do something just as good.… Continue Reading
In the wake of the D.C. Circuit's Comcast decision, where does the FCC go from here if it wants to promulgate net neutrality regulations?… Continue Reading
The powers granted to the FCC by Congress do not include the power to regulate provision of Internet service, according to a federal appeals court.… Continue Reading
The D.C. Circuit has affirmed the prohibition against exclusivity arrangements between cable operators and cable-affiliated programming networks. But the likelihood of that prohibition staying on the shelves beyond its current sell-by date (i.e., 2012) is dubious.… Continue Reading
Things look bad for the FCC in the Comcast/BitTorrent case. But an FCC loss will only set off the next stage of the larger network neutrality dispute.… Continue Reading
Network neutrality rules may deter some of the worst abuses. But they will not bring back the anything-goes character of the early Internet.… Continue Reading
In a speech this morning, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced his intention to initiate a proceeding looking to the adoption of new rules designed to preserve and enhance the "openness" of the Internet, in accordance with the principles of "network neutrality."… Continue Reading
The FCC demanded to know how Comcast could protect its own VoIP service without discriminating against other VoIP providers.
Comcast has now replied.… Continue Reading
Comcast has both obeyed and appealed an FCC rule relating to its Internet access management. A month ago, the FCC cracked down on Comcast for selectively interfering with the communications of customers using BitTorrent, a peer-to-peer (P2P) application. Comcast said it was entitled to take action because BitTorrent users were hogging bandwidth. The FCC disagreed. … Continue Reading