Tag Archives: NOFA

Stimulus Czars Provide Environmental Guidance, Seek Input on Next Funding Round

In the hope of making Round 2 of the BTOP/BIP process better for everyone than the still on-going Round 1, RUS and NTIA are asking for guidance -- but you'd better act fast, because the window for tossing in your two cents closes on November 30. Meanwhile, the Stimulus Czars have provided some guidance on how applicants should be dealing with environmental and historical preservation questions.… Continue Reading

“Contrarian”? Au Contraire!

We thought that a recent blog headline here captured the essence of our report on an FCC broadband workshop in an attention-getting way. Sure enough, it got the attention of one of the workshop's presenters, who had something to say about our choice of words.… Continue Reading

NTIA Broadband Mapping Workshop Set For July 24

If you have any interest in the Broadband Mapping Program, NTIA is presenting an "on-line workshop" on the program tomorrow, July 24, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (EDT). Information about registering for the workshop -- and about the mapping program -- is available at the link below.… Continue Reading

Broadband Stimulus 101: Do You Get The Points?

The government is now working on getting the $7.2 billion in broadband stimulus funds flowing quickly - but in ways that achieve the goals identified by Congress as efficiently and effectively as possible. The following is a detailed summary of the scoring systems that will be used to rank applications for stimulus funding.… Continue Reading

Broadband Stimulus 101: Who Gets What Where, and How?

Federal broadband stimulus cash is being doled out, by two different agencies under two different programs, based both on geographical/demographic considerations and on the level of broadband service already available in the areas proposed to be served. The fun comes in trying to figure out who gets what under which program.… Continue Reading

Broadband Stimulus 101: Net Neutrality

Network neutrality, still in a long gestation, is gradually finding its way into the law - most recently, as a condition of participating in the broadband stimulus program. Systems taking funds under either BTOP or BIP component of the stimulus program must commit to a specific form of network neutrality.… Continue Reading

FHH Forms Broadband Stimulus Group

Fletcher Heald & Hildreth, LLC, has formed a Broadband Stimulus Group to assist prospective applicants seeking to participate in the Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) and/or the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). Those programs are being implemented by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) as part of the American Recovery … Continue Reading


NTIA and RUS have released their initial Notice of Funds Availability for broadband-related programs funded through the Stimulus Package. Applications for funding in this first round will be accepted from July 14, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. (ET) until August 14, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. In other words, the teller's window is about to open, the "Free Money - Come and Get It" sign is about to go up, and the line is getting ready to form. But beware: the application process is complex, detailed and daunting.… Continue Reading