Tag Archives: NPR

Peter Tannenwald Honored by WAMU Radio

We are very proud to congratulate our own Peter Tannenwald on being recognized by American University Radio in Washington, DC. for his many years of work with radio station WAMU, the local NPR affiliate found on 88.5 FM. Peter was presented with a ceremonial (but functioning) microphone at the WAMU Community Council meeting on May … Continue Reading

HD Radio: Yet Another Tweak Proposed

In the latest effort to get HD radio's actual performance to come close to its original promise, some of the system's cheerleaders have advanced a new approach: asymmetric sideband operation for FM stations. The Media Bureau wants to know what you think of that idea.… Continue Reading

Unprotected Six?

In a bold move guaranteed to generate heated debate, National Public Radio has asked the Commission to dump Channel 6 protection obligations which have long been imposed on NCE-FM stations.… Continue Reading