Do you know what upcoming FCC filing deadlines now and through February apply to you? We do. Note our list is not comprehensive. Other proceedings may apply to you. Please do not hesitate to contact FHH if you have any questions. EEO Recruitment – Comments are due by January 30 on a petition concerning EEO recruitment practices. … Continue Reading
Rulemaking petition objects to satellite earth stations’ setting aside frequencies they may never need. Managing the radio spectrum is one of the FCC’s toughest, least appreciated jobs. The goal is to squeeze in as many users as possible, with the least interference among them. Often the FCC can get more out of a frequency band … Continue Reading
There are a number of upcoming FCC filing deadlines over the next three months that are relevant to broadcasters. You should review these carefully, as some are only applicable to certain licensees while others (the EEO-related and noncommercial ownership reports) are state-specific. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.… Continue Reading
Commission seeks comment on steps to improve, expand accessibility of video-described programming Way back at the dawn of the century (the 21st Century, that is), the FCC adopted rules requiring video providers to include “video descriptions” in their transmission. “Video description” involves the insertion, into natural pauses in the program’s dialogue, of audio-narrated descriptions of … Continue Reading
PCS Partners seeks 3GPP LTE use for thus-far-unused – and soon-to-be-expired – licenses. Nearly two years ago, we reported that the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau put Multilateration Location Monitoring Service (M-LMS) licensees in the hot seat: build out soon, or lose your licenses. “Soon” is almost upon us – the Bureau’s 2014 Order requires that all … Continue Reading
Way back in December of last year the Commission re-vamped its equipment certification rules. It took six months for those revised rules to make it into the Federal Register, and another month for the rules to become effective. The effective date also marked the deadline for petitions for reconsideration of the December order adopting the … Continue Reading
Three parties seek service rules or waivers for the 102-109.5 GHz band. The FCC’s licensing and service rules presently provide for use of spectrum up to 95 GHz, an extremely high frequency. Now the FCC is considering requests to go even higher: to open the 102-109.5 GHz band for fixed microwave applications. Radio waves in … Continue Reading
Wireless mic users must prepare to dance a spectrum hokey-pokey to adjust to spectrum reductions, new operating rules The Pope will visit the U.S. in late September, which is already prompting extensive preparations in many quarters. Among those readying themselves: news operations, professional wireless microphone operators and wireless mic frequency planners in several major cities … Continue Reading
[WARNING! While Auction 98 has closed, strict federal anti-collusion rules remain in effect for several more weeks, until the down payment deadline, which should be announced shortly. Parties who were involved in any way in the auction – including folks who filed applications but then elected not to participate in the auction – should refrain … Continue Reading
Interested in Auction 98 (featuring 131 FM construction permits)? The FCC has released lists of the complete and the incomplete applications (and one rejected application) filed by would-be bidders.… Continue Reading
Just in time for Memorial Day weekend! Now we all have something to mull over during those boring parades, fireworks shows, baseball games and cook-outs. Lucky us!… Continue Reading
Following our lead, the FCC has now reminded TV licensees of the upcoming Pre-Auction Licensing Deadline -- and it has officially released Form 2100, Schedule 381.… Continue Reading
As part of the Paperwork Reduction Act process necessary to secure another three-year OK from OMB, the FCC has solicited comments on its local public inspection file rules again.… Continue Reading
A heads up reminder to all full-power and Class A TV licensees expecting protection in the spectrum repack: Failure to complete construction or to find, and correct, discrepancies in the FCC databases could result in less protection than expected.… Continue Reading
The FCC is looking for input about its auction rules governing Designated Entities - but if you've got something to say, you'd better be ready to say it fast.… Continue Reading